This page contains association meeting notices and information of interest to association members. The items are listed in chronological order with the most recent items below:
Olympic Ridge Estates Association
Annual Meeting Notice and Agenda
18 June 2016 - 9am
Port Ludlow Fire & Rescue Headquarters Fire Station 31
7650 Oak Bay Road, Port Ludlow, WA 98365
Notice available as a PDF
Agenda as PDF
Olympic Ridge Estates Association
Annual Meeting Minutes
13 June 2015
Minutes available as a PDF
Budget available as an Excel Spreadsheet
Presentation as PDF
Olympic Ridge Estates Association
Annual Meeting Minutes
7 June 2014
Available as a PDF
Saturday, June 7, 2013, 9:30 A.M.
Port Ludlow Fire & Rescue Headquarters Fire Station 31
7650 Oak Bay Road, Port Ludlow, WA 98365
May 7, 2014
Dear ORECA Lot Owner,
1. The ORECA combined Annual/Budget Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 7, 2014, at 9:30 A.M., at the Port Ludlow Fire & Rescue Headquarters Fire Station 31 7650 Oak Bay Road, Port Ludlow.
From our mailboxes, it’s 7.9 miles. From Bywater or Hidden Springs, turn left (north) on Paradise Bay Road and follow it all the way into the Village Center of Port Ludlow (the store and gas station). Just past the gas station, there is a 4-way stop. Turn right (north) onto Oak Bay Road. Proceed 1.9 miles to the north end of Port Ludlow and turn left into the fire station driveway and parking area. Just inside the entrance, the meeting room is on the left.
2. The 2013 Annual Meeting minutes will be presented for approval. Minutes are attached. They are also available in the Members Only section of the Association website, If you need the ID and password, call Marvin Pitts at 208 596 1697.
3. We encourage all lot owners to participate in the meeting, either in person or by proxy, so that we have the required 12-lot quorum. Proxies require original signatures and must be presented to the secretary before the meeting is called to order or mailed to the secretary, Marvin Pitts, 612 Olympic Ridge Dr., Port Ludlow, 98365. If you need a form, I can email one to you. Mailed proxies must be received by June 5.
4. The budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 will be presented for review and approval. The ORECA Budget/Financial Report and the Treasurer’s Memorandum are enclosed for your review. Please bring your copy to the meeting.
5. The draft agenda is enclosed. Please send any requests for additions to the agenda to the secretary byMay 22. The final agenda will be emailed prior to the meeting.
6. Some Board members will not be returning for another term. We ask that all Association members please consider taking a turn to serve on the Board. The Board meets quarterly or more often if necessary. If you are willing to serve, would like to place a name on the ballot or have any questions, please contact the secretary by May 22.
ORECA Board of Directors
Brain Mallabon, President; Greg Evanoff, Vice-President; Marvin Pitts, Secretary; Polly Peters, Treasurer; Tom Clemens, Member-at-Large.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Evanoff, Brian Mallabon, Polly Peters and Cindy Sandine. Attending by telephone: Tom Clemens.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM.
Treasurer’s Report
As of July 17, 2013
Savings account balance: $9210.12
Checking account balance: $7352.40
Old Business
Treasurer Audit
Earlier this year Polly Peters asked for an audit of the Treasurer’s records. Prior to his election to the Board, Brian Mallabon had offered to do the audit. He presented his final report to the Board at this meeting. He found no significant discrepancies and included some recommendations for accounting procedures. One recommendation was to use a duplicate-style checkbook for better accounting. The Board approved a payment of $26 to buy these checks.
If you would like to see the full audit report, please contact the secretary.
Open Space Weed Maintenance
At the 2013 Annual/Budget meeting the members approved an expenditure of $1800 for weed maintenance in the SE Open Space between Lots 12 and 23. Gary Helsene of Gary’s Rockeries & Repair in Port Orchard has been hired to do the work. He did some preliminary cutting on June 15, then met with Brian and Greg to discuss the scope of further work. They will meet with him again before he returns to finish the work.
Procedure for Lot Owner’s Cutting of Trees in Common Areas
At the 2013 Annual/Budget meeting the members approved the procedure to be used when lot owners hire contractors to do view maintenance in common areas. After the vote Shawn Tyson questioned the item about scattering small limbs to encourage decomposition, wondering if that would be a fire hazard. Betty Brooks said that the procedure might be too detailed for a large commercial job. The Board reviewed the document and the comments made after the approval vote and decided to leave the procedure as it is for now.
New Business
Open Space Survey and Plan
The Association needs a long-term plan for use and maintenance of the Open Spaces. In conjunction with the next Board meeting in September, Brian will be asking for members to join a committee to develop such a coordinated plan.
Annual Meeting Minutes Correction
Correction to the vote on Shawn Tyson’s motion to hire someone to clear the blackberries and other weeds in the SE Open Space, with cost not to exceed $1800.
Lot 11 abstained, not Lot 10, as previously reported. The corrected vote total:
Yes: 3, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 23
No: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 19
Abstain: 11
Brian adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM.
The next Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 11, 2013.
Submitted by Cindy Sandine
The ORECA Board will meet on Wednesday, July 17, at 7 PM at the Evanoff residence, 582 Olympic Ridge Drive.
Members are welcome to attend Board meetings.
Cindy Sandine, ORECA Secretary
The new ORECA Board has chosen these officers for the July 2013-June 2014 year.
President, Brian Mallabon; Vice-President, Greg Evanoff; Secretary, Cindy Sandine; Treasurer, Polly Peters and Member-At-Large, Tom Clemens
The first Board meeting will be July 17, 2013, at 7 PM at the Evanoff residence, 582 Olympic Ridge Drive.
Cindy Sandine, ORECA Secretary
Saturday, June 1, 2013, 9:30 A.M.
Paradise Bay Community Club House
141 W. Alder, Paradise Bay
A. Call to order
B. Approval of 2012 Annual/Budget Meeting minutes
C. President’s Report: Marvin Pitts
D. Treasurer’s Report: Polly Peters
1. Audit Report: Brian and Marianne Mallabon
E. Old Business
1. Open space maintenance
2. Merrill Hodges’ request
3. Security Gate Easement
4. Procedure for Lot Owner’s Cutting of Trees in Common Areas
F. New Business
G. Review and vote on 2013-2014 Budget
H. Election of the Board of Directors
The ORECA Board will meet on Wednesday, March 27, at 7 PM at the Evanoff residence, 582 Olympic Ridge Drive.
Members are welcome to attend Board meetings.
Cindy Sandine, ORECA Secretary
The ORECA Board will meet on Wednesday, November 7, at 7 PM at the Evanoff residence, 582 Olympic Ridge Drive.
Members are welcome to attend Board meetings.
Cindy Sandine, ORECA Secretary
Saturday, June 02, 2012 9:30 A.M.
Paradise Bay Community Club House
141 W. Alder, Paradise Bay
A. Call to order
B. Approval of 2011 Annual/Budget Meeting minutes
C. President’s Report: Marvin Pitts
D. Treasurer’s Report: Polly Peters
E. Special Business
- Lot‑to‑Lot cutting requests – info only. Available for viewing on table.
- Roadside mowing
- Open space maintenance
- View maintenance request in open spaces
I. Election of the Board of Directors
The ORECA Annual/Budget meeting scheduled for June 11, 2011, was adjourned without action because we did not have a quorum. Ten lots were represented, eight by attendance and two by written proxy. Twelve is the minimum to constitute a quorum.
We have re-scheduled the meeting for Monday June 27, 2011, from 7 to 8:30 PM at the Cable residence, 665 Olympic Ridge Drive.
ORECA owns in common approximately 78 acres. As a result, all lot owners have common expenses that are paid by ORECA. The purpose of the ORECA Annual Meeting is to discuss and adopt a budget to provide for the mandatory expenses such as property tax, state filing fees, insurance, street light, web site and IRS taxes and reporting. The ORECA Budget process also allows our association to discuss and approve (or not) additional expenses related to maintenance of the common acreage such as noxious weed eradication, planning for storm damage recovery and dangerous tree removal, and tree removal requests by ORECA members for improvement of views. We encourage your participation in this yearly voting process either in person or via proxy. Without adequate participation, ORECA will default on mandatory expenses and required reporting.
Please plan to attend the rescheduled meeting either in person or by proxy. Any questions regarding items in the proposed budget may be directed to any of the current members of the board.
There is a proxy form just below this web page that you can print and use if you are unable to attend the meeting. Please mail, bring or scan/email the signed and dated form to the secretary by June 24. You may also give it to your proxy holder who can bring it to the meeting.
Thank you,
Cindy Sandine
ORECA Secretary
Saturday, June 11, 2011 9:30 A.M.
Paradise Bay Community Club House
141 W. Alder, Paradise Bay
A. Call to order
B. Approval of 2010 Annual/Budget Meeting minutes
C. President’s Report: Mike Cable
D. Special Business
1. Election of the Board of Directors
2. Review Lot-to-Lot cutting request procedure.
3. Lot‑to‑Lot cutting requests – info only. Available for viewing on table.
E. Old Business
1. Locked box for outgoing mail.
2. Roadside mowing.
F. New business
G. Treasurer’s Report: Larry Krotzer
H. Review and vote on 2011-2012 Budget
1. View maintenance requests in open spaces.
2. Open space maintenance report
The ORECA Annual/Budget meeting is normally held on the first Saturday in June. Because of a scheduling conflict, Association President Mike Cable is unable to attend on that date.
Please note – the Board has rescheduled the 2011 meeting for the second Saturday in June. The meeting will be held June 11.
I will be mailing a package including the draft agenda and draft budget in early May.
Cindy Sandine
ORECA Secretary
The ORECA Board will meet on Tuesday, April 12, at 4:30 PM at the Cable residence, 665 Olympic Ridge.
Members are welcome to attend Board meetings.
Cindy Sandine, ORECA Secretary
To All ORECA Homeowners:
The ORECA Board will meet on Wednesday, September 22, at 7 PM at the Cable residence, 665 Olympic Ridge.
Members are welcome to attend Board meetings.
Cindy Sandine, ORECA Secretary
To All ORECA Homeowners:
The ORECA Board will meet on Thursday, July 15, at 5:30 PM at the Sandine residence, 483 Bywater Way.
Members are welcome to attend Board meetings.
Cindy Sandine, ORECA Secretary
Saturday, June 5, 2010, 9:30 A.M.
Paradise Bay Community Club House
141 W. Alder, Paradise Bay
May 1, 2010
Dear ORECA Lot Owner,
1. The ORECA combined Annual/Budget Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 5 at 9:30 A.M., at the Paradise Bay Community Center, 141 W. Alder, Paradise Bay.
2. The 2009 Annual Meeting minutes will be presented for approval. Minutes were sent to each member by email on July 8, 2009. They are also available in the Members Only section of the website, If you need the ID and password, call Cindy Sandine at 437-0190.
3. Proxies require original signatures and must be presented to the secretary before the meeting is called to order or mailed to the secretary, Cindy Sandine, 483 Bywater Way, Port Ludlow, 98365. Mailed proxies must be received by May 30.
4. The budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, will be presented for review and approval. The ORECA Budget/Financial Report and the Treasurer’s Memorandum are enclosed for your review. Please bring your copy to the meeting.
5. The draft agenda is enclosed. Any requests for additions to the agenda should be submitted to the secretary by May 26. The final agenda will be emailed prior to the meeting.
6. View maintenance requests received by the Board are included with this letter. This will be discussed at the meeting.
7. Several board members will not be returning for another term. We ask that all association members please consider taking a turn to serve on the board. If you are willing to serve or would like to place a name on the ballot, please notify the secretary by May 26.
8. If you receive this notice but are not the current owner, please provide the new owner’s name and address to the Association secretary.
ORECA Board of Directors
Jim Rogerson, President; Larry Krotzer, Vice-President; Cindy Sandine, Secretary; Debbie Ueda, Treasurer; John Luchow, Member-at-Large.
A. Call to order
B. Approval of 2009 Annual/Budget Meeting minutes
C. President’s Report: Jim Rogerson
D. Special Business
1. Election of the Board of Directors
2. Review Lot-to-Lot cutting request procedure.
3. LottoLot cutting requests – info only. Available for viewing on table.
E. Old Business
F. New business
1. Financial practices - Maximum expenditure for Board to approve without Association review.
G. Treasurer’s Report: Debbie Ueda
H. Review and vote on 2010-2011 Budget
1. View maintenance requests in open spaces
2. Open space maintenance report
To All ORECA Homeowners:
The ORECA Board will meet on Saturday, April 3, 2010, at 9:30 A.M. at the Sandine residence, 483 Bywater Way.
We will be discussing actions assigned at the January 2010 meeting, reviewing preparations for the Annual/Budget Meeting and reviewing the draft budget that will be presented at that meeting.
Members are welcome to attend Board meetings.
Cindy Sandine, ORECA Secretary
To All ORECA Homeowners:
The ORECA Board will meet on Saturday, January 9, 2010, at 3 PM, at the Ueda residence, 720 Olympic Ridge Drive.
Members are welcome to attend Board meetings.
Happy New Year
Cindy Sandine, ORECA Secretary
To All ORECA Homeowners:
The ORECA Board will meet on Saturday, October 17, 2009, at 9:30 A.M. at the Sandine residence, 483 Bywater Way.
Members are welcome to attend Board meetings.
Cindy Sandine, ORECA Secretary
Saturday, June 6, 2009, 9:30 A.M.
Paradise Bay Community Club House
141 W. Alder, Paradise Bay
A. Call to order
B. Approval of 2008 Annual/Budget Meeting minutes
C. President’s Report: Kat Brady
D. Special Business
- View requests in open spaces
- Lot‑to‑Lot cutting requests – info only. Available for viewing on table.
- Election of the Board of Directors
- Open space maintenance report
- Water system contamination
- Liability issues in open spaces
- Review financial practices
- Updating governing documents
H. Review and vote on 2009-2010 Budget
The ORECA Board will meet on Monday, April 27, 2009, at 5:30 PM at the Brady residence, 143 Fern Gully.
Members are welcome to attend Board meetings.
Cindy Sandine, ORECA Secretary
The ORECA Board will meet on Tuesday, April 7, 2009, at 5:30 P.M. at the Wagner residence, 502 Olympic Ridge Drive.
Members are welcome to attend Board meetings.
Cindy Sandine
ORECA Secretary
The ORECA Board will meet on Tuesday, March 17, 2009, at 5:30 PM at the Cable residence, 665 Olympic Ridge Drive.
Members are welcome to attend Board meetings.
Cindy Sandine, ORECA Secretary
The ORECA Board of Directors will hold a special meeting Thursday, February 26, 2009, at 6:30 PM at the Ueda residence, 720 Olympic Ridge Drive.
At the monthly Board meeting on Tuesday, February 17, it was brought to the Board's attention that Mike and Marie Cable, 665 Olympic Ridge, have applied to Jefferson County for a permit for installation of a 33' wind turbine on their property, Lot 17. The Jefferson County Department of Community Development will make a public notice of the application, with a 14-day comment period beginning February 25, 2009.
The Cables will attend the meeting to describe the project in detail. We have also invited David W. Johnson, Associate Planner with the Dept. of Community Development.
Association members are welcome to attend the meeting.
Cindy Sandine, ORECA Secretary
To All ORECA Homeowners:
The ORECA Board will meet on Tuesday, February 17, 2009, at 5:30 PM at the Ueda residence, 720 Olympic Ridge Drive.
Members are welcome to attend Board meetings.
Cindy Sandine. ORECA Secretary
Saturday, June 7, 2008, 9 A.M.
Paradise Bay Community Club House
141 W. Alder, Paradise Bay
A. Call to order
B. Approval of 2007 Annual Meeting minutes
C. President’s Report: Kat Brady
D. Treasurer’s Report: Debbie Ueda
E. Review and vote on 2008-2009 Budget
F. Special Business
1. Open space requests
2. LottoLot cutting requests
3. Election of the Board of Directors
G. Old Business
1. Open space maintenance report. Meredith Wagner
2. Neighborhood Crime Watch
3. Fire Safety. Port Ludlow Fire & Rescue Fire Chief Ed Wilkerson
4. Security Gate Easement
H. New business
1. The ORECA combined Annual/Budget Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 7 at 9 A.M., at the Paradise Bay Community Center, 141 W. Alder, Paradise Bay. The membership voted during the 2007 Annual Meeting to combine the two meetings and hold them closer to the ORECA fiscal year which runs from July 1 to June 30.
2. The 2007 Annual Meeting minutes will be presented for approval. Minutes were sent to each member by email on December 19, 2007. They are also available in the Members Only section of the website, If you need the ID and password, call Cindy Sandine at 437-0190.
3. Proxies require original signatures and must be presented to the secretary before the meeting is called to order or mailed to the secretary, Cindy Sandine, 483 Bywater Way, Port Ludlow, 98365. Mailed proxies must be received by May 31.
4. The budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009, will be presented for review and approval. The ORECA Budget/Financial Report and the Treasurer’s Memorandum are enclosed for your review. Please bring your copy to the meeting.
5. The draft agenda is enclosed. Any requests for additions to the agenda should be submitted to the secretary by May 24. The final agenda will be emailed prior to the meeting.
6. If you are requesting view maintenance on any of the common land, please send a letter describing the area and mark the affected area on the association plat map. The map is available under ORECA Documents on the website. Submit your request to the secretary by May 24.
7. Officers are needed for the board. If you are willing to serve or would like to place a name on the ballot, please notify the secretary by May 24.
8. If you receive this notice but are not the current owner, please provide the new owner’s name and address to the Association secretary.
ORECA Board of Directors
Kat Brady, President; Meredith Wagner, Vice-President; Cindy Sandine, Secretary; Debbie Ueda, Treasurer; Kathleen Tompkins, Member-at-Large.
Proposed Budget for 2008/2009
Please find the adopted proposed 2008/2009 budget for ORECA. As we agreed at the Annual Meeting, the budget is being sent to the membership for review prior to the Annual Meeting on June 7, 2008. The budget must be approved by the membership.
RCW 64.38.025, Section 3 states: Within thirty days after adoption by the board of directors of any proposed regular or special budget of the association, the board shall set a date for a meeting of the owners to consider ratification of the budget not less than fourteen nor more than sixty days after mailing of the summary. Unless at that meeting the owners of a majority of the votes in the association are allocated or any larger percentage specified in the governing documents reject the budget, in person or by proxy, the budget is ratified, whether or not a quorum is present.
In summary, the RCWs direct the following actions: Within 30 days the Board calls a meeting of the full membership to ratify the budget.
- This meeting must take place not less than 14 days nor more than 60 days after mailing the budget summary to the membership.
- Unless a majority of the members voting by ballot or proxy rejects the budget, the budget is ratified whether or not a quorum is present.
Budget notes:
We estimated a slight increase in insurance costs for 2008/2009.
We restructured the Open Space category to reflect expenses for open space maintenance and view maintenance.
Dues have not been increased and remain at $200 per lot/owner. Expenses in excess of current dues collected will be funded from accrued balances from prior years.
Please contact the treasurer or any other board member with questions regarding the budget.
